Ambarnath residents demand basic amenities


Ambarnath: Over 500 residents from Prayosha Yoginiwas in Phulenagar, Ambarnath (West), took to the streets on Thursday, 5th September, marching to the Ambarnath Municipal Council office under the leadership of Mr. Sebastian A.T. The residents' demands included a regular water supply, stable electricity, and the construction of a wider road.

The protestors carried placards and banners emphasizing their grievances.

The demonstration was officially launched at the Municipal office entrance by Sebastian A.T., Convenor of the Action Committee. Key speakers included Aanand Shinde, Vinod Singh, Ramdas, and Mrs. Padma Anil. Each speaker underscored the urgent need for drinking water, uninterrupted power supply, and safer, broader road infrastructure.

Following the protest, a delegation of residents met with Assistant Chief Officer Umesh Raut of the Municipal Council. They presented a detailed memorandum outlining their issues. Officer Raut assured the residents that road repairs would be initiated soon, addressing one of their primary concerns.


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