APMC sees influx of Chinese garlic labelled as Afghan


Traders demand action

Navi Mumbai:  Chinese garlic, which is banned in India, has found its way into the Agriculture Produce Market Committee (APMC) market in Vashi, being falsely labelled as Afghan garlic. The garlic, being sold at lower prices than locally produced garlic, has seen a surge in demand, especially from hoteliers.

India had imposed a ban on the import of agricultural products from China, including garlic, to protect domestic agricultural products. However, a drop in garlic production over the last few months has caused prices to soar, with garlic retailing between Rs. 300 and Rs. 400 per kg in the local markets. Taking advantage of the situation, some importers have allegedly begun sneaking Chinese garlic into the market.

Previously, Chinese garlic was entering India through Nepal, but importers have now adopted a new route. According to sources, Chinese garlic is first sent to Afghanistan, from where it is then brought into India and labelled as Afghan garlic, bypassing restrictions and misleading the APMC administration in Vashi.

The price disparity has caught the attention of the market. While domestic garlic is being sold at prices ranging from Rs. 220 to Rs. 300 per kg, the Chinese garlic, rebranded as Afghan, is selling for Rs. 280 to Rs. 300 per kg, making it more attractive to bulk buyers.

Manohar Totlani, a trader, has called for an immediate investigation by the market committee into the entry of Chinese garlic in this manner. He has urged authorities to take swift action to prevent further illegal imports that threaten the domestic garlic industry.


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