CIDCO Emergency Operation Centre to operate 24/7 from June 1st to September 30th, 2024


The CIDCO Emergency Operation Centre will be operational 24/7 during the monsoon period from June 1st to September 30th, 2024. Annually, CIDCO functions as an Emergency Operation Centre for its jurisdictional areas during the monsoon season to address potential disasters and accidents.

Located on the ground floor of CIDCO Bhavan in CBD Belapur, the Emergency Operation Centre will remain functional on weekends and public holidays, in addition to regular working days. The center will coordinate with employees from various departments including engineering, health, fire brigade, security, and garden services to manage emergency situations.

The centre will handle issues such as:

- Collapsing trees and pruning of branches obstructing vehicular movement

- Fixing open drain lids on roads

- Flood scenarios and waterlogging

- Potholes on roads

- Garbage dumping on roads and gutters

- Drowning incidents in waterlogged areas

- Fire-related emergencies

- Epidemics and snake bites

- Building collapses and landslides

Citizens can report emergencies or lodge complaints through the following contacts:

1. Phone: 022-6791 8383/8384/8385, 022-27562999

2. WhatsApp: 8655683238

3. Fax: 022-67918199

4. Email:

With the transfer of Kharghar, Panvel (East), Panvel (West), Kalamboli, Navade, Kalundre, Taloja, and Kamothe nodes to the Panvel Municipal Corporation, residents of these areas should contact the Panvel Municipal Corporation for disaster-related issues.

Upon receiving information or complaints from citizens, officials at the operation center will promptly inform the senior officer at the relevant node and provide necessary instructions. The operation centre will ensure quick assistance by coordinating with the fire brigade, hospitals, traffic police, or local police stations as required. Volunteers from civil security groups and social service organizations will also be mobilized for assistance.

The centre will maintain coordination with nodal officers, all CIDCO departments, and other administrative bodies to manage emergencies efficiently. Nodal officers will report on emergencies to the operation centre, which will then disseminate information to the public.

Additionally, dangerous trees will be pruned, and equipment for draining waterlogged areas will be available around the clock to handle heavy downpours.


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