MPCB orders action against contaminated STP in Ulwe node


Ulwe: The Ulwe Node Sewage Treatment Plant (STP), part of a CIDCO project aimed at managing sewage from local housing societies, has been facing severe operational issues since its construction near Ulwe Creek in Sector 6. Currently, only 10% of its processes are functioning, with the majority of operations having been shut down for several years. As a result, nearby housing complexes are experiencing unpleasant odours, increased mosquito activity, and a rise in vector-borne diseases such as dengue and malaria.

Local residents have been suffering due to the contaminated sewage and have raised concerns with the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) over the past five months. Despite multiple visits by MNS representatives to the STP and repeated requests to CIDCO officials for improvements, no significant action was taken, leading to growing frustration among the community.

In response to mounting pressure of local villagers and Ulwe Node residents, the Maharashtra State Pollution Control Board (MPCB) has intervened. The MPCB has issued orders to CIDCO, directing the organization to take immediate action against the contractor responsible for the mismanagement of the contaminated sewage.

Under the leadership of Raigad District President Sandesh Thakur, Environment Sena Raigad District President Abhijit Gharat, and Ulwe City President Rahul Patil, MNS office bearers and Maharashtra soldiers have actively followed up with CIDCO and the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board regarding the issue.

On August 13, MNS filed a formal complaint with the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board about the STP’s operational shortcomings. Residents of Ulwe Node are now closely monitoring the situation to ensure that CIDCO addresses the defects in the plant and holds the contractor accountable for the ongoing issues.

The intervention by the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board and the persistent efforts of MNS have prompted a necessary response, aiming to restore functionality to the STP and improve the living conditions for residents affected by the sewage treatment problems.


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