Poor condition of Pendharkar College bus stop sparks commuters' ire in Dombivli


Commuters using the Pendharkar College bus stop in Dombivli (East) are expressing frustration over its deteriorating condition. Located near Pendharkar College, this bus stop experiences heavy foot traffic, but its current state is causing significant inconvenience to passengers.

The recently constructed bus stop by KDMC has already seen its paver blocks completely damaged. Additionally, there are no seating arrangements for passengers, and trash is scattered around the area.

"The steel bench that was once here has disappeared. It's unfortunate that despite being near colleges and schools, students and other passengers have to wait on the road and endure rain due to the poor condition of this bus stop," lamented a commuter.

Raju Nalavde, a vigilant citizen, expressed dismay over the state of public facilities in Dombivli, suggesting that corruption and negligence by municipal officials are to blame. He pointed out that similar issues plague other bus stops across Dombivli, reflecting broader mismanagement of public infrastructure.

The commuters have demanded immediate action to repair and maintain the Pendharkar College bus stop, emphasizing the need for authorities to address these issues promptly to improve commuter experience and safety.


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