Union Ministry of Textiles launches pilot project for recycling used clothes in Navi Mumbai


The Union Ministry of Textiles has initiated a pioneering pilot project aimed at recycling used clothes in collaboration with the Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation (NMMC). The project, launched under the guidance of municipal commissioner Dr. Kailas Shinde at the municipal headquarters, marks a significant step towards sustainable waste management.

In the Navi Mumbai municipal area, where daily waste is segregated into wet, dry, and household hazardous categories, a special emphasis is now placed on segregating and recycling discarded clothes. Sunil Pawar, expressing gratitude, highlighted the proactive role expected from conscientious citizens of Navi Mumbai to ensure the success of this innovative initiative.

Addressing participants, Mr. Tapan Kumar Raut, Director of the Union Ministry of Textiles, praised Navi Mumbai's commitment to cleanliness and its proactive stance in implementing innovative environmental initiatives. He announced the collaboration between the Central Clothing Committee, Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation, and NGOs for effective collection of discarded clothes at the community level.

Emphasizing the potential of recycling discarded clothes to empower women and support self-help groups, Mr. Raut underscored the importance of public participation in making the project successful. He acknowledged that in an era of rapidly changing fashion trends, the disposal of clothes poses a significant environmental challenge.

Officials from the Union Ministry of Textiles, including Prakash Sen, presented detailed plans for the project, which received warm welcome and support from Additional Commissioner Sunil Pawar and Dr. Ajay Gadade, Deputy Commissioner of the Solid Waste Management Department at Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation.

Currently, Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation operates '3 R' centres across 94 locations, facilitating the exchange of unwanted goods among citizens and promoting reuse. The upcoming recycling facility for clothes is poised to further enhance these efforts, with Sunil Pawar urging cooperation from local community leaders for the project's success.


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